Color Note
Better Editing Experience
Color Note makes taking notes easier than any other notepad apps.

-Edit text with ColorDict Universal Dictionary.
-Quick Selection.
-Chnage colors of notes.
-Send text to email, sms, and twitter.
-Quick Search Box.
-Sticky Note Widgets

Goto home screen and long press and choose widget, ColorNote and note will be there for sticking on page.

Update History
- Improved reminder
+ List widget shows active items count
+ All day reminder on status bar
+ Repetition added
- Main list context menu
+ Lock menu added
+ Pin to status bar menu added
- Lock feature imroved
+ List can be locked now
+ Master password can be reset : Settings - Master Password
- Checklist improved
+ List item height can be changed (Normal, Small)
+ Sort Alphabetically in checklist
+ Drag And drop checklist item
- Label colors

- List of specific color
- Grid view of notes
- Unlock Note
- Remove checked items
- Ask password when delete locked note
- Receive shared text
- Froyo Checklist scroll bug fixed

-New reminder : Always on status bar
-Sort by reminder date for todo management
-Notification icon changed
-List Management : uncheck all, sort by status
-Secured backup to sdcard : manual and auto
-Password lock text note

- Checklist Added

- Can add note when add widget.
- Confirm delete
- Auto link : web, email, phone number
- Auto word select option
- Edit title option
- Reminder bug fixed
- Default font size option
- Default Color

- Reminder, Sticky Note Widget

- First Release